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Body Composition Analysis 

What is body composition? 

Body composition is a method of breaking down the body into its core components: fat, protein, minerals, and body water. It describes your weight more accurately and provides a better glimpse into your overall health than traditional methods. Body composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, muscle mass, and body fat percentage. 

All nutrition consultations at Lisa James Nutrition include a body composition analysis with an InBody scale,  the most advanced and precise analysis. The technology uses electrodes to send frequencies throughout your body to measure body mass index (BMI), lean muscle, fat, and water weight. The InBody report combined with an individualized nutrition consultation will provide a platform to develop a wellness plan tailored to your personal goals.


InBody scan with nutrition consultation - FREE       

InBody scan without nutrition consultation - $50

InBody scan before and after (2x) - $90 *Not more frequent than every 2-4 weeks


InBody Result Sheet

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